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Hey there, this is great!
I imported to Unity, but all of the Objects and FBX files are grey... how can I get the properly colored models?

Hey Aaron, I haven't used Unity in a while but generally what needs to be done is creating a new material with the appropriate textures and applying that material to the models.

Is it possible to get the animations as separate .fbx files?

I wouldn't be able to deliver that in a timely manner unfortunately. I'd recommend opening the files in Blender and exporting new files based on your needs.

Hi, i love your art, i saw that you use Cinema4D to make it, could you publish a tuto to explain how you made this asset pack please?

Thanks! This asset pack actually was made entirely in Blender though.


hey! love this asset. btw, I have imported it to my unity project and there is no animation, but I used fbx files. any thoughts on how I can fix it?


Thank you! Animations are achieved through blend-shapes. When importing a model that supports animation, you'll find BlendShapes under Skinned Mesh Renderer in the Inspector.


oh, I got it. thank you!

How do you work with them though code in unity?

You can use the SetBlendShapeWeight function:

Thank you